IRS Tax Credits and Deductions

To assist businesses with complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 44 of the IRS Code allows a tax credit for small businesses and Section 190 of the IRS Code allows a tax deduction for all businesses.

The tax credit is available to businesses that have total revenues of $1,000,000 or less in the previous tax year or 30 or fewer full-time employees. This credit can cover 50% of the eligible access expenditures in a year up to $10,250 (maximum credit of $5000). The tax credit can be used to offset the cost of undertaking barrier removal and alterations to improve accessibility; providing accessible formats such as Braille, large print and audio tape; making available a sign language interpreter or a reader for customers or employees, and for purchasing certain adaptive equipment.

The tax deduction is available to all businesses with a maximum deduction of $15,000 per year. The tax deduction can be claimed for expenses incurred in barrier removal and alterations.

To learn more about the tax credit and tax deduction provisions:

Download IRS Form 8826 for the tax credit for small businesses

Go to the Internal Revenue Service Web Site

Department of Justice ADA Information Line.

It is unclear if the Tax Credits are still available. You can click the links and apply.